Even though the Lord always makes a way of escape, there’s still a need to ensure that temptation doesn’t come. Find out “WHY” and “HOW” as you read this powerful & insightful story
Even though the Lord always makes a way of escape, there’s still a need to ensure that temptation doesn’t come. Find out “WHY” and “HOW” as you read this powerful & insightful story
Does it feel as though your entire world is crashing and everything has completely failed? Does praying already look like an exhausted and futile deal? Find hope and bloom, as you read this story.
Have you ever felt like that miracle you desire cannot come to you since the person whom you look up to spiritually do not even have that same miracle you desire manifesting in his life? Ever wondered why you are prospering in an area while your spiritual mentor is failing in that area? In this story lies both the answer and the remedy.
Are you faced with a very stubborn illness? Would you like to learn how to live in God’s presence and maintain a very high spiritual temperature? I recommend that you read this story.
Do you believe you are healed but it just hasn’t manifested? Here is a story that would guide you even as your healing manifests and help you from getting discouraged.
Do you desire a sudden turn around? Do want the angels God has assigned to you to become very active? Then, you need to read this life transforming story.
As much as there’s nothing bad in taking drugs, medicine alone has its limits to what it can cure. So what if I told you that there is something you can take that has the ability to cure every kind of illness including cancer. So, in this story I would be sharing the secret of this medicine with you, it’s prescriptions and how it saved a cancer patient from dying.
Are you faced with strong opposition and oppression at work and from authorities you find yourself under? Well, there’s something you need to know from this story if you really want to win in a battle you feel disadvantaged and unqualified to fight.
Learn how to become rich easily and without stress as you read this powerful and insightful story.
When it feels like you no longer have control over a particular situation, how do you quickly switch over to the supernatural? Supernatural help is always available to you. Read this story and see how this lady experienced time compressed for her, favor etc..., at a time she felt all hope was lost.